The erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and maintain an erection. Very common, it is estimated that it affects about half of men, in more or less severe stages, between 40 and 70 years. But before throwing himself on Viagra, it seems that a diet rich in flavonoids would reduce the risk. In any case, this is the conclusion of a long study carried out for nearly 40 years on 50,000 men by researchers from Harvard and the University of East Anglia (United States).
Researchers found that four servings (or glasses) of foods or drinks rich in flavonoids was associated with a 14% reduction in the risk of erectile dysfunction. Among all the flavonoids, these are the anthocyanins, which are found in the blueberries, the Red wine, radishes and grapes, as well as the flavones and flavonones, found in citrus fruits, which are said to have the greatest effect on male libido. In addition, if we combine this diet rich in flavonoids with a regular practice of sport, we reduce the risk by 21%.
“We already knew that consuming certain foods rich in flavonoids can reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease,” said lead researcher Professor Aedin Cassidy. “This study is the first to link flavonoids to erectile dysfunction, a disorder that affects up to half of all middle-aged and older men. But we found that this effect is stronger in men. younger than older “.
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