Drinking one or two glasses on occasion would lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. But would also increase the risk of cancer, according to a study. Should we drink less or more? The answer is not always clear. That said, this summer, a recipe study revealed that alcohol is the leading cause of death for 15 to 49 year olds. The death of order? Consume with moderation. This is what this recent american studypublished in the Journal Alcoholism: clinical & experimental research: drinking more than three times a week can seriously harm your health.
A study conducted on 18 to 85 year olds
The study was conducted on patients from two different entities. The National Health Interview Survey, representative of the entire American population, and the Veterans Health Administration, more representative of a male and relatively old population. A total of 435,000 people between the ages of 18 and 85 were medically monitored and questioned about their alcohol consumption between the ages of 7 and 10.
To the result? Those who drink four times (or more) per week have a 20% risk of dying before the end of the study, compared to those who drink less than three times per week. And that, even if you are a “light drinker“, that you only drink one or two glasses at each occasion.
Drink three times a week, but no more
“One should not drink more than three times a week“Insists one of the researchers of the study, Sarah Hartz, from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. She continues her explanation. She specifies that the frequency with which we drink is essential, (even without drinking a lot) of the same way as taking medication: “If you take a drug once a week, it doesn’t affect you in the same way as if you take one a day.“Conclusion, do not exceed three occasions to drink per week.
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