You know the saying: an apple a day keeps the doctor away! This is all the more true as it is the richest fruit in epicatechin, a flavonoid which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. The apple also helps reduce cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar, relieve gastro but also fight against constipation thanks to its high fiber content.
But it also has other virtues ignored: a study has shown that eating apples regularly allowed those who decided to quit smoking to regain their lung function.
How to choose them?
By buying your apples, choose organic fruit instead : because they contain more diverse bacteria, apples organic are better for our intestines than others. This was revealed by a recent study from the University of Graz, Austria. The study suggests that an organic apple is full of nearly 100 million bacteria, including 38 million in the seeds and 22 million in the core. It would therefore be necessary to consume everything to make the most of its benefits! Furthermore, the apples organic contain a probiotic from the Lactobacillus family, while the latter is totally absent from non-organic.
Do we peel them or not? 100g of apples with skin bring 3.7 g, against 2.1 g if they are peeled. In addition, we lose antioxidants, concentrated in the skin. Hence the interest of chewing them whole, and therefore of choosing them organic to avoid pesticides.
>> A “zero waste” idea:save your peelings and dry them for a delicious herbal tea. Add simmering water and a squeeze of lemon juice on the peelings, leave to infuse for a few minutes.
Read also :
- Unusual: do you know the best way to wash apples?
- Too much cholesterol? Go to two apples a day!
- Why do you have to eat an apple a day
- 12 foods that heal us