If it is not easy to get rid of certain daily habits, such as snacking in front of the TV, smoking a pack a day (or more), falling asleep until noon on weekends, listening to music fully into the helmet… deciding to correct these bad habits can only be beneficial for your well-being and your health.
An example: going to bed while keeping your phone in the same room, or even next to you, can cause you to lose up to an hour of sleep per night. A British study relayed on March 2, 2021 in The Guardian, establishes that addiction to smartphones causes real sleep disorders. If you want to sleep better, and especially more, leave your smartphone out of your bedroom every night.
Another revealing example: more and more often we have our meals delivered. This avoids shopping, cooking… In short, it’s comfortable and fast. The problem: you don’t know the ingredients that make them up, which can ultimately lead to weight gain. And we’re not talking about pizza-soda raps, rich in sugar, salt, fats and additives, harmful to health in high doses!
How to get rid of bad habits?
Be aware that it will be impossible for you to erase them with the snap of a finger. The ideal is to replace these automatisms with other beneficial habits.
To become aware of this, you can list all of these bad habits and note the pros and cons. You will see that they undoubtedly have more negative effects than you thought, for your well-being but also for that of your loved ones. You can then take action to identify how to remove or replace them. If it helps, take the time to write down the situation, the emotions you are feeling, and the reasons why you are doing this behavior.