Jobs evolve and so do professional expectations. The benefit of a Skills Assessment like the 5.3 Assessment is obvious for preparing your retraining, progressing in your company, finding a job or simply taking stock.
This system is always a relevant step to allow you to identify your qualities, your know-how, your values and your soft-skills. The Skills Assessment will also offer you realistic avenues for building your professional future.
What is the point of the skills assessment?
You want to take stock: Do you feel the need to take a break to reflect on your past journey and better plan for the future? Do you have an important decision to make regarding your career? Do you want to change your professional environment? Benefit from a qualified and free opinion !
You are going through a difficult time: Are you bored, are you demotivated, do you no longer have any prospects? Are you questioning the meaning of your missions or have you experienced failure? Get over this feeling and move forward!
You are going through a period of transition : your professional environment is changing and you feel the need to reinvent yourself? Are you wondering what new skills you should acquire to carry out your new role? Lean on the teachings that the balance sheet will reveal !
What are the 3 phases of the skills assessment?
The interest of the Skills Assessment is also to highlight your past career while benefiting from individual support, to help you identify new prospects for professional development.
The skills assessment takes place in three phases:
- A preliminary phase : to define your needsand introduce you to the methods and tools used for the evaluation.
- An investigation phase : to analyze your motivationsidentify your skills and determine your professional development opportunities.
- A conclusion phase : to establish a professional project realistic, perfectly in line with what you are looking for, and plan the stages of its implementation.
At the end of the assessment, you will receive a summary document accompanied by the detailed conclusions of the assessment and a detailed action plan to get you started.
Finally, you should know that the ethics of the skills assessment are very strict because it is a legal system which obeys rules. Unless you indicate otherwise, the results of your assessment will remain confidential.
What does a course like Bilan 5.3 bring you?
The benefit of the Skills Assessment is first and foremost a better knowledge of yousince it involves a process of introspection and objective analysis of your skills.
The skills assessment also results in better knowledge of the environment and professional opportunities that are open to you.
Of course, the results, in terms of professional project, vary depending on the participants: a person looking for a job, an employee who wishes to progress in his company, another wishing to change sector of activity, will not have the same expectations.
However, there are certain common elements:
- Strengthened self-confidence : you understand the reasons for your past failures and you can now overcome them, you discover unexpected resources within yourself, skills that you were not necessarily aware of before.
- Another image of your relationship to work : you discuss your childhood dreams, which have become inaccessible or outdated. You learn to turn the page and you build a project based on your current situation.
- The construction of a clear and realistic professional project : you imagine the broad outlines of your future without locking yourself into an overly narrow vision, you remain open-minded and ready to seize new opportunities.
The skills assessment can also be an opportunity to give a new direction to your professional life: starting new studies, undertaking a process of Validation of Acquired Experiencechange branch or start your own business…
In other cases, it will be a question of working on finer things, of supporting an evolution rather than a revolution. To this extent, the skills assessment can be seen as much as a tool for personal development as a deviceprofessional development.
4 tips for preparing your skills assessment
1. Choose your provider wisely : require a prior individual video interview with your future advisor and check that your interlocutor establishes a situation of listening and advice, without value judgment. You can contact the school guidance counselor 5.3 if you’re interested.
2. Prefer a 100% online assessmentboth flexible and adapted to your pace and your schedule. The Assessment should not be a constraint but rather an adventure that will allow you to explore the field of possibilities… It is not the driving license! To move forward, you don’t need your advisor to be in the next seat to handle emergency situations…
3. Take time to think : prepare your questions and comments well before each personalized interview. Explain your professional background. Clearly specify what you are looking for. Talk about your values, your priorities and, of course, your projects.
4. Fear neither the word “assessment” nor the word “skills” : beyond the technical and personal skills that it will highlight, the 5.3 Assessment is a journey of self-discovery that will provide you with a valuable experience for the years to come. Your advisor is not there to judge you, but to support you and ask you the right questions that will help you evolve…
If the Skills Assessment is a request from your current employer, do not take it as a questioning of your skills, on the contrary! The assessment is often part of a company training plan, and can allow you to obtain a position better suited to your skills, your objectives and your desires.
So, what is your conclusion? Do you see the benefit of the Skills Assessment better?