To lose weight, the number of calories per day for a woman is important to respect but it’s not just that! In this article, you’ll discover a series of simple, time-tested tips that can help you overcome the day-to-day challenges of dieting. Find the ones that suit you best!
To lose weight, I often repeat, the only thing that works, it is an imbalance of the energy balance. We must expend more energy than we consume to trigger and continue weight loss.
The number of calories per day for a woman is not everything, you have to create a universe, the conditions favorable to your success. Here are 10 easy-to-implement tips.
1. The right number of calories per day for a woman
Depending on your age, height, sex and starting weight, you need to determine the number of calories per day for a woman. The average (without dieting) for the number of calories per day for a woman is between 2000 and 2200 calories (2500 to 2700 for men).
And to cause weight loss, I consider that it is necessary to proceed to a 500 calorie drop compared to the initial caloric level. It is therefore not uncommon for women to start a diet at a calorie level between 1400 and 1600 calories.
This caloric level will be maintained if the weight loss is regular. We can lower it a little if the weight loss slows down or stagnation more than 2 weeks and once your goal is reached, the return to an original caloric level will be done by successive stages.
But the caloric level is not everything…
2. Keep a food diary
It is true that writing down everything you eat is difficult and restrictive. However, a Canadian study showed a few years ago that the simple act of noting in a notebook everything we eat every day causes overweight people to lose an average of about 2 kg over 6 weeks.
The interest of the food diary therefore lies in the fact that we are going to reread it (and not limit ourselves to having it reread by someone else, doctor or relative). Because this is precisely what allows us tounderstand concretely what we eat, something very difficult to achieve without taking notes. I challenge you!
By following this well, you will see if you are following the number of caloriess a day for a woman who has been set up for you. Remembering everything you eat is almost impossible, take notes!
3. Practice physical activity
This practice has several purposes. The first, of course, is to maintain the level of Energetic costor even increase it: if you are much more active than before starting your diet, this will help you lose weight faster.
Then, we could see that the feeling of hunger decreases when doing moderate physical activity. This does not concern athletes, who need to increase their food consumption to sustain significant energy expenditure.
In concrete terms, a 25 to 30 minute walk before dinner reduces the food consumption of this meal by 20 to 30%.
But the most important thing is that physical activity is an additional factor of engagement. A study thus compared three groups: the people in the first group practiced a physical activity without following a diet; those of the second group followed a diet, but without engaging in physical activity; those of the third group, on the other hand, did both.
The study showed that people from 3rd group were statistically more likely to lose weight and also more likely to lose more than those of the other groups.
Not just because thephysical activity improves the result of a diet, but also because it is a marker of commitment. Putting on your shoes to go running works like an alarm that reminds you that you are on a diet!
This is a good way to increase your energy expenditure and find out if the number of calories per day for a woman that has been assigned to you is the right one.
4. Anticipate your needs
There are moments extremely repetitive in food consumption. For example, we may have the habit of snacking on something at 5 p.m. or around 10 p.m., in front of the television. Either we are sufficiently motivated to stop, including using the programming of an alarm on your smartphone (to dissuade yourself from it), either you have to anticipate this nibbling to limit the damage.
If you can’t break this habit, prepare high potency foods in advance satiating to block the feeling of hungeranticipating them: keep ready a cottage cheese and an apple (this system works very well), rice cakes, provided you limit the quantity, or even a bowl of soup or velouté.
What matters is choosing foods that are low in calories and preparing them ahead of time so you have them on hand. We have long advised sticks of raw vegetables, but this solution seems to have lost its charm! A hard egg can be a good option too, but then again, he has to be ready at the crucial moment…
5. Anticipate your menus
Until the 1970s, many women had the habit, on Sundays, of establishing the menu of the weekboth to plan the shopping to be done and to organize the budget for the week.
This has three advantages :
- first, you can create menus that really make you happy (therefore offering you the prospect of tasty moments, which is even more important in a diet!);
- then, it saves you from storing too many reserves at home;
- Finally, you don’t need to open the fridge or the cupboards (at the risk of being tempted!) wondering what you will be able to eat.
This menu preparation is not without another anticipation: organizing supplies for an entire household.
If we base ourselves on a notion of mutual aid, buy the same food for the whole mode, even if everyone (in particular people who are not on a diet) can adjust quantities according to his needs.
Then, there is nothing to prevent you from also buying some rather exceptional foods that your loved ones are asking for and storing them in a separate cupboard.
6. Check cooking sites
The Internet is full of sites offering receipts with the details of calorie intake. It’s also a wealth of information for finding tasty accommodations for the ingredients you
must consume preferably.
This may give you ideas for the diet to also be a source of pleasurenot just a source of frustration.
There are also many influencers which highlight a very visual but not diet food for a penny! These recipes sometimes even exceed the number of calories per day for a woman! Demonstrate vigilance !
7. Select products carefully
Within the same category of products, there are great variations. For example, I recommend plain dairy products, but with a little fat. However, in this area, the amounts of fat are very variable! You must therefore learn how to select products and read carefully the stickers.
It’s not uncommon to see people fooling themselves in good faith, because they’ve been tricked by a green label into thinking the product was organic. In this area, some so-called “light” products actually contain so much fat than their unlabeled counterparts!
8. Weigh yourself regularly and record your weight
This is still the best way to follow the evolution of your weight. Just be aware that an unexpected rise or too rapid a fall generally signals a mistakebecause the scale measures the weight of muscles, but also of fat and water, the proportion of which can vary a great deal.
Regular weighing should allow you to check that from one week to the next, or from fortnight to fortnight, the weight loss is taking place. If not, try clook for mistakes you may have made or to see if there are any special circumstances that are holding you back in your diet (taking medicationsconstipation, etc.).
You will see if the number of calories per day for a woman assigned to you for your diet corresponds to you.
9. Also bet on herbs, spices and others
They are perfect culinary aids for add flavor on your plates. For example, you can absolutely add a little coconut milk in a velouté without blowing up the calorie counter. You will gain a subtle flavor and a pleasant texture.
Also remember to use and abuse herbs and spices: even on simple vegetables, the result is stunning! Also think about cooking aids: chicken or vegetable brothsof course, but also fish fumets, which improve the taste of a dish by providing very few calories.
Finally, for your sauces, consider vary the oilsto vary the flavors!
10. Try self-hypnosis
This simple technique can help overcome bouts of frustration. Here’s a suggestion: when you’re caught by a sudden urge to eatstare at a point until your vision blurs and the point is cloudy.
Concentrate at the same time on the idea that you are not hungry, as if trying to convince yourself of this.
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. Thanks to the’Self Hypnosis (you will have to find someone to initiate you), you can really take control of your emotions and your food urges!
There are even sessions where it is possible to have Stop for example to consume Coke, burgers… in just a few tens of minutes… The magic of the brain and the unconscious.
I could go on and on with the list such as the use of non-stick pans, pressure cookers, baking paper or aluminum foil wrappers, tagine dishes and other utensils… Thanks to these techniques or devices, it has become very easy to prepare very tasty fat-free cuisine.
The basis is the number of calories per day for a woman that must be determined according to your profile but that is not all.
The rest of your slimming tips in a future article!