It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day … If this is not necessarily true, what is certain is that it is essential!
Indeed, after a night of fasting, it is necessary to eat well to be in shape all day long and to avoid munchies.
Ideally, breakfast should consist of complex carbohydrates, of a lipid intake, of a protein intake, of a drink and a fruit. He should also be taken seated, calm and without doing anything else at the same time …
But if you are sometimes in a hurry in the morning to the point of having breakfast at the office or in transport, here is 10 breakfasts to take anywhere, healthier than the candy from the dispenser!
1 / A complete milkshake made from fruits, milk and cereals. You can add mashed almonds or honey to it.
2 / A sandwich made with meat, fish or egg and cheese, fruit juice or a smoothie.
3 / A bar composed of cereals and dried fruits (preferably homemade!) Accompanied by yogurt.
4 / Fruits or a fruit compote, covered with cottage cheese and sprinkled with muesli or other cereals.