Automated controls will no longer only penalize speeding. New devices will make it possible to control unexpected lane changes, the telephone in hand, vehicles that are too noisy or even the occupants of a car. Overview of what’s new.
In terms of automated control, road safety is no longer the only way to be exploited: other opportunities have appeared since the adoption of the Mobility Orientation Law (LOM). Here are four projects of devices from the capture of license plates vehicles that are well advanced.
TO READ. Speed cameras. What awaits you in 2022
Respect for ZFEms
In order to exclude the oldest vehicles, all large agglomerations of more than 150,000 inhabitants (by 2025), renamed metropolises, must create their Low Mobility Emission Zones where traffic is prohibited or limited according to the Crit badges. ‘Air. As
- Metropolis of Aix-Marseille-Provence,
- Grenoble-Alpes-Metropolis,
- Metropolis of Lyon,
- Montpellier-Mediterranean Metropolis,
- Nice-Côte d’Azur metropolis,
- City of Paris,
- Metropolis of Greater Paris,
- Rouen-Normandy metropolis,
- Strasbourg Eurometropolis,
- Toulon-Provence-Mediterranean metropolis,
- Toulouse Metropolis…
For the moment, the only controls are visual by the police from the Crit’Air stickers on the windshields. The future system will consist of recording at the entrances and in the zones, the license plates of all moving vehicles using cameras and checking via the gray card file whether they have the right to circulate. Technically, nothing could be simpler.
Carpool Radar
Several systems are already being tested with a view to their approval: in Grenoble (A48), in Lyon (M6/M7), at the A14 tollbooth in western Paris, as well as on the Paris ring road, Porte de Montreuil. . The goal is to automatically count the number of passengers on board in order to penalize unauthorized vehicles (with the exception of taxis, vehicles for the disabled, etc.) in the queues reserved for carpooling from their registration.
Easier said than done, especially to spot a child in the back seat behind smoked glass or to avoid being fooled by an animal or a dummy, day or night and in all weathers at any time. How fast. This requires a technically very complex device for the analysis by algorithms of a burst of photos capable of reconstructing the interior of the passenger compartment from infrared! Fareco’s Covitus system already claims 99% success. Objective of the city of Paris: commissioning for the Olympic Games (July 26, 2024). Suffice to say that such a kit can also easily control compliance with a ZFEm.
noise radar
The LOM plans to experiment with acoustic radars capable of automatically flashing and verbalizing unbridled vehicles exceeding 90 decibels. Several systems are being tested for two years in seven candidate local authorities:
- Bron (Rhone),
- Nice metropolis,
- Paris (x 2),
- Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine),
- Toulouse metropolis,
- Chevreuse Valley (Yvelines),
- Villeneuve-le-Roi (Val-de-Marne).
The device consists of two “jellyfish”, these modules with four microphones which capture sound emissions in all directions, and two cameras. If the tests are conclusive, the green light could be given in 2024, with a view to a real national deployment one year later. In the future, we can imagine a more sophisticated device that automatically compares the sound level with the data appearing on the gray card, as is currently the practice for manual controls.
Weigh-in-motion control
The purpose of this radar is to automatically check the weight of trucks and coaches in order to punish those who are overloaded. The device uses specific sensors installed in the roadway, supplemented by systems for identifying the silhouettes of vehicles in circulation. Nothing too complicated…