The Métropole du Grand Paris has postponed until July 1, 2023 the banning of Crit’Air 3 vehicles (petrol from before 2006 and diesel from before 2011). This reprieve is explained by the lack of automation of the verbalization and the lack of assistance for the purchase of a cleaner vehicle.
This is a slight relief for motorists in Île-de-France: the Métropole du Grand Paris (MGP) postpones by one year the banning of Crit’Air 3 vehicles initially planned for 1er July 2022. The ban on driving, in the ZFE-m bounded by the A86, for petrol cars from before 2006 and diesel cars from before 2011 is now set at 1er July 2023.
TO READ. Greater Paris ZFE. Postponement of the verbalization of banned vehicles.
Speed cameras and zero-rate loan delay entry into force
The first reason why MGP grants a one-year reprieve is as follows: the automatic radar ticketing system is simply not approved. For the moment, it is up to the police to apply the penalties: 68 € for a light vehicle and 135 € for a heavy vehicle.
The second reason given is the late arrival of the zero-interest loan (PTZ) guaranteed by the State, which will only be granted from 1er January 2023.
The most modest households mainly concerned
According to Bernard Julien, teacher-researcher specializing in the industry and the use of the automobile, 40% of households with the lowest incomes own a car that is more than 12 years old. They are the first concerned by this banishment. According to statistics from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in 2021, Crit’Air 3 vehicles (PC + LCV) accounted for 31.2% of the Greater Paris Metropolis car fleet, i.e. nearly one million vehicles out of the 2.9 million in circulation strictly within the MGP (excluding neighboring inter-municipalities*).
TO READ. Eco bonus. The €6,000 bonus extended until December 31
ZFEm calendar
In 2025, all agglomerations of more than 150,000 inhabitants will have to set up a Low Mobility Emission Zone. By 2024, these will be more than 13.5 million vehicles bearing the Crit’Air 3 sticker will be banned from driving adds Bernard Julien.
*the neighboring intermunicipalities are the towns located less than 20 kilometers from the ZFE