1.558: This is the estimate of the number of AIDS cases in data corrected for the delays and under-reporting declared in France for the year 2008.
3.098 : This is the number of people who discovered their seropositivity in Ile-de-France in 2008, against 3,085 in 2007.
130,000: This is the number of people carrying HIV in France in 2006.
58% : This is the share of new diagnoses of HIV infections among women among people infected through heterosexual intercourse.
40,000 : This is the number of French people carrying the virus without knowing it.
41: According to Sidaction, this is the average age of people with AIDS, ie 39 years for women and 43 years for men.
30% : Almost a third of French people affected by HIV are also affected by one or more hepatitis.
Between 5 and 6% : This is the proportion of seropositive patients in a “situation of treatment failure”; this means that the drugs used no longer have an effect on the disease.
4: This is the number of regions particularly affected by the virus in 2006, namely Ile-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Guyana, and the West Indies.
37% : This is the proportion of people who discovered their HIV status living in Ile-de-France in 2009, against 46% in 2003.
Sources : Sidaction, Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS) and Regional Health Observatory of Ile-de-France.