January 17, 2018.
In order not to make too much noise, when the sneeze arrives, some people hold it back. But this practice would be very dangerous.
Too much air pressure
According to a study published Tuesday, January 16, in the medical journal BMJ Case Reports, blocking your nose or mouth so as not to sneeze violently could be very dangerous. The authors of this study indeed reveal that this practice could lead to a tear in the throat, piercing an eardrum or even damage blood vessels in the brain. Of course, these situations are rare, but they can happen.
A 34-year-old man paid the price in England. He was admitted to the emergency room of a Leicester hospital with a swollen neck which was in great pain. “ The patient explained that he had felt a cracking sensation in the neck after trying to block a sneeze pinching your nose and closing your mouth “, Note the researchers. Suppressing a sneeze creates very strong air pressure in the throat and head.
Risk of aneurysm rupture
The young man in question suffered from a tear in the back of his throat. Which is not nothing. It took him a week to recover. He was treated with antibiotics and was fed with a tube while his throat healed. According to the researchers, suppressing a sneeze could even lead to “ perforation of the tympanic membrane and even a ruptured brain aneurysm “.
It is essential, especially during a flu epidemic, to put your elbow in front of your mouth when you sneeze. Corn what must be avoided at all costs is blocking the air. According to the most recent studies on the subject, the speed of a sneeze can reach up to 50 km / h and throw germs up to 30 feet away. Joyful!
Marine Rondot
Read also: Can you keep your eyes open while sneezing?