December 8, 2016.
With the installation of cold, laryngitis land. To avoid losing your voice, here are some tips.
Remember to drink a lot
There isn’t much you can do with laryngitis. A virus does not go away with antibiotics. On the other hand, to avoid an extinction of voice, it is necessary to adopt some good reflexes. When you are sick, you must avoid raising your voice, singing or screaming at all costs. The vocal cords being weakened, it is necessary to take care of them. Whenever possible, whisper or speak quietly.
It is also necessary to rest and sleep well, as fatigue will also damage your voice if the larynx becomes inflamed. You will also be advised to drink a lot. To make it even more protective for the vocal cords, drink infusions with warm, non-hot water, but also milk with honey or broths.
Humidify the air in your living spaces
When you go outside remember to cover your throat well. According to Corinne Loie, speech therapist, vocologist and voice prevention officer at MGEN mutual, “ silk is particularly good for protecting the neck because it also relaxes the larynx, ”she explains in the 20-minute columns.
We will also recommend that you humidify the air in your living spaces with air humidifiers. This will bring you real breathing comfort. Finally, not surprisingly, smokers will absolutely have to stop smoking. Replace your cigarettes with throat lozenges or chewing gum. These make you salivate and it relieves sore throats.