the vaccination schedule is developed by the Ministry of Health after consulting the High Council for Public Health (HSCP). Updated every year, it brings together all the vaccination recommendations for the general population and for people exposed to infectious risks in the course of their professional activity.
The new 2017 recommendations are as follows:
• BCG, which was previously recommended from birth for high-risk children, is now recommended during the 2nd month. Except for newborns from Guyana and Mayotte, for whom vaccination is recommended before leaving the maternity ward.
• The age of the primary vaccination against meningococcus C is transiently lowered at the age of 5 months, with a 2nd injection at the age of 12 months. So far the first injection was at 12 months.
• The tetravalent vaccine against meningococcal types A, C, Y and W can now be prescribed from the age of 6 weeks.
• Vaccination against human papillomaviruses is offered to men who have sex with men (MSM) up to the age of 26.
• In young girls and young women not previously vaccinated, the High Council of Public Health recommends initiating vaccination against human papillomavirus by the nonavalent vaccine (which protects against 9 strains of papillomavirus) against 4 strains for the previously vaccine. recommended. This nonavalent vaccine will soon be available.
Read also :
The papillomavirus vaccine recommended for gay men
Infographic: the vaccination schedule for adults