Faced with an influenza epidemic that remains “intense”, an extension of the one month vaccination campaign was announced by the Ministry of Health.
- The flu vaccination campaign is extended until February 28, 2025.
- This decision was made due to the virulence of the flu epidemic. Indeed, mid-January, it always remains at a high level of intensity in all age groups.
- Vaccination is particularly recommended for people at risk: those over 65, their loved ones, pregnant women, the entourage of babies, health professionals …
If you are not vaccinated against the flu, it is not too late to do it. The joint infection vaccination campaign and the COVVI-19 was extended until February 28, 2025.
This decision to extend the program launched in mid-October has been taken because “The circulation of influenza viruses is always very active in mainland France as in overseas”.
The Vaccination Campaign against the influenza extended until February 28
The flu vaccination campaign and the COVID-19 which was to last until January 31 has been extended by an additional month to try to fight against a grippal activity remaining important despite the progress of the season. “”Fragile people are invited to be vaccinated without delay “adds the Ministry of Health in its announcement. That’s to say :
- people 65 and over and those around them (family, health professionals, home aid, etc.);
- People under 65 suffering from certain chronic diseases;
- pregnant women;
- People with obesity: body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 40;
- the entourage of infants at risk of serious flu and immunocompromised people;
- Professionals exposed to avian and pig influenza viruses.
For the record, all these people can benefit from a vaccination against flu with 100 %management. The injection can be administered by a pharmacist, a nurse, doctor or a midwife. “In the event of loss or forgetting the care voucher, the healthcare professional can edit one on site, thus guaranteeing easy access to vaccination“Specify the authorities.
Why is the flu so virulent this year?
THE Last weekly public health report France On the circulation of winter viruses published on January 22, 2025 indicates that seizure activity was still intense in mid-January. However, a different dynamic was observed according to age groups. “”The indicators were generally up in those under 15 and down among 15 years and over. In town, activity continued to progress in children, particularly in 5-14 year olds, was stable among 15-64 year olds and decreased among 65 and over. It remained at a high level of intensity all ages combined “specifies the document.
The overall rate of overall consultations for influenza syndrome was 399 per 100,000 inhabitants from January 13 to 19 against 387 per 100,000 inhabitants the previous week.
In addition, hospitals are always very busy. The share of hospitalizations for flu/influenza syndrome was at a “Very high level of intensity” among those under 15. The seniors also remained quite affected by the disease. For their part, they represented 58 % of hospitalizations after passing the emergency room for influenza/influenza syndrome and 47 % of the cases supported by the resuscitation services. And, if overall the hospital informed indicators, all ages combined show signs of weakening, the health authorities warn. “Current intense influenza activity in children could lead to the increase in hospital indicators in adults in the coming weeks.”
Why is the flu so virulent this year? The Ministry of Health is advancing an explanation: “The epidemic 2024-2025 is characterized by a co-circulation of the three influenza viruses: the two viruses of type A, A (HN1) PDM09 and A (H3N2), and of type B/Victoria. This co-circulation Of three viruses, which are described to have a different impact depending on the age groups, is unusual and could explain that all the age groups are affected significantly. ” It also started early, that is to say in mid-December, and thus strongly circulated at the time of the holiday season.