In writing, we bet that none of our readers has already spent a winter without suffering the onslaught of a virus or bacteria! Because we are all equal in the face of falling temperatures, Top Santé takes stock of prevention, by evaluating vitamin supplements sold in pharmacies but also by listing protective foods. Doctors also tell us what the best treatments for ENT conditions are and how to get better quickly.
On the slimming side, we tell you how to eat this winter without succumbing to snacking and the blues which leads to compulsive behavior when it comes to food (preferably fatty and sweet) … There are a few tips to stop suffering from cravings.
And because we like to make our hat look beautiful, the editorial team has investigated the latest technologies that allow stains to be erased on the face, hands or neckline. Winter is off to a good start with top Santé!
Top Santé n ° 291 (December 2014) on newsstands from October 31. Price: 2.80 euros
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