In the late morning or mid-afternoon, you feel your stomach growling. If hunger torments you, it’s not because you suffer from bulimia. It is rather that your meals are not filling enough : they do not hold you enough until the next meal.
SO what foods can cut your hunger in case of proven cravings? Finding them is very simple. “The most satiating foods are richest in fiber or in proteins. They are the ones that provide the famous feeling of satiety. emphasizes Florence Foucaut, dietitian nutritionist in Paris.
Proteins are more difficult to break down during digestion, compared to carbohydrates or fats. Which is an advantage. “When we digest proteins, the body burns part of their calories up to 20 to 30%. In other words, not only do they satiate, but you also burn part of them. An asset, especially if you want to lose weight”, says the specialist.
Apart from proteins, fibers are of undeniable interest. There is the category of those called soluble. They form a gelatinous mass in the stomach that creates a feeling of fullness. A little extra: they help lower bad cholesterol levels. Insoluble fibers increase the volume of stools. Which facilitates the intestinal transit. They have the particularity of regulating blood sugar.