6% of French people sleep too much. And like lack of sleep, the recurring excess can lead to health problems.
We already knew the impact of a lack of sleep on health, that of an excess of sleep is no longer in doubt. Too much sleep is bad for the health of people 45 and over. This is the result of an investigation by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States. According to the results, published in the journal Sleep, chronic health problems after 45 are related to the amount of sleep.
Vascular disease, diabetes and obesity
54,000 Americans aged 45 or over participated in the study. A third of them slept less than six hours a night. A small minority (4%) slept more than nine hours. These people have developed more chronic health problems than others. Vascular disease, diabetes, obesity or mental health problems – this is the price to pay for a recurring lack of sleep. Those who sleep too much are no better off: they have a higher risk of stroke, coronary heart disease and diabetes.
It is recommended to sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night, a period which corresponds to the recovery threshold necessary for the body. This recommendation applies even more to people with chronic illnesses. This is because people with diabetes or heart disease suffer more from sleep apnea or insomnia. They must be particularly attentive to the amount of sleep so as not to degrade their state of health.
One in three French people does not get enough sleep …
The CDC has announced that sleep disorders are becoming an “epidemic” in the United States. The finding is similar in France. The average sleep time is 7:30 a.m. per night. Yet a third of French people complain of lack of sleep while 6% sleep too much, according to an OpinionWay survey carried out in 2012 for the National Institute for Sleep and Vigilance.
… Especially young people
Insufficient sleep is a problem that mainly affects young people. According to an OpinionWay study for Malakoff Médéric, a majority of people under 30 suffer from sleepiness at the office. It is a major indicator of lack of sleep. The suspicion is confirmed by the figures: one in seven adults between 18 and 34 does not get enough sleep, twice as much as those over 55. Diet and sports activity are not the only factors for a healthy lifestyle. Getting enough good quality sleep plays a key role in good health.