I adopt a healthy lifestyle
Dietary deficiencies, a lack of sleep or even stress can weaken our immune system and thus leave the door open to viruses. To resist as well as possible, you must therefore take care of yourself: get enough sleep, give yourself time to rest to release tension, do not skip meals, oxygenate yourself during the day, etc.
I fill up on vitamins and minerals
But where can you find the energy to get through the winter without a cold, rhino, bronchitis…? Simply on your plate. A good diet is indeed synonymous with good health. Prepare balanced and varied meals three times a day (don’t neglect breakfast!). Certain foods are particularly recommended:
– Seafood, red meat and whole grains for their zinc content.
– Spinach, watercress, walnuts, brie, rich in B9 vitamins.
– Citrus fruits, parsley, kiwis or raw peppers to store vitamin C.
– All fruits and vegetables in general. When you compose your plate do not forget them: 1/3 vegetables, 1/3 starches, 1/3 protein for the main course and for dessert, a tasty fruit.
I avoid hot and cold
Nothing like it for catching a cold! Significant temperature differences would reduce our immune defenses. Also, remember to cover yourself well before going out.
I put on the right clothes
Instead, choose soft clothes that you layer on top of each other. They retain heat better and you can easily remove or replace a thickness if you are more or less hot. In terms of materials, virgin wool, silk, cotton or even polar fibers will effectively protect you from the cold.
I take care of myself naturally
Have you thought about homeopathy, herbal medicine or trace elements to boost your immunity?