By 2017, third-party payment should be generalized to all French people. However, beneficiaries of aid for the acquisition of a complementary one will be able to benefit from it at the end of the year.
The Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, installed on Tuesday a steering committee on third-party payment, giving it the mission “to support the strategic and technical choices that will be made in the coming months” on this subject, announced the ministry in a press release. The government indeed committed in September 2013 to implement the exemption from the advance of expenses for all the patients treated in town by 2017. However, some patients will be able to benefit from it before this date.
1 million more beneficiaries by the end of 2014
First of all, this concerns all the beneficiaries of assistance for the acquisition of complementary health insurance. ACS concerns all people whose resources are low but slightly above the ceiling set for the allocation of complementary universal health coverage (CMU). For them, third-party payment could be available by the end of 2014. This measure concerns around one million people according to estimates. This “first step will be taken this year”, confirms the press release, which also recalls that the generalization of third-party payment is “one of the main axes of the national health strategy”.
CMU beneficiaries are already benefiting from it
In addition, for patients benefiting from universal health coverage (CMU), the third-party payment already applies. Today around 4.1 million people affiliated to the general scheme benefit from CMU complementary coverage. 40% of them also benefit from membership in the “basic” CMU under residence criteria for the compulsory scheme.