In a decree published today in the Official Journal, the Minister of Health has decided toonce again expand the CMU-C. Isolated students in a precarious situation will be able to benefit from it. Since 1999, the Complementary Universal Health Coverage (CMU-C) has enabled people whose income is too low to receive free treatment from a doctor or hospital. It’s a free complementary health insurance which covers what is not covered by compulsory health insurance schemes. As part of the coordinated care pathway, it allows you to benefit from 100% coverage of health expenses.
“A priority for young people”
Marisol Touraine said in a press release that 2,600 students could benefit from the measure, regardless of the financial situation of their parents. Until now, only young people under the age of 25 attached to the parental home were awarded the CMU-C. From now on, students who benefit from aid from the national emergency aid fund (FNAU), allocated in view of the financial difficulties they encounter, will be able, for example, to make an individual request.
Through this measure voted as part of the 2014 Social Security budget, the text here targets situations of isolation or family breakdown. The Minister recalled that “improving the health of young people and promoting access to prevention and treatment constitute one of the government’s 13 priorities for young people”. On her twitter account, she highlighted the “progress” and the “concrete”. As for the Federation of General Student Associations, it “welcomed” the extension of the CMU-C, which it considered “a request from students”.