Before going on vacation, we warned you: if a jellyfish stings you, you have to urinate on it. But this assertion – which nearly three in ten Britons would be ready to put into practice according to a poll – would in fact be completely unfounded and could even have more serious consequences by reactivating the venom, and therefore the pain.
“We advise the public to avoid bodily fluids if they are unlucky enough to get stung and to follow some simple steps that do not involve the use of urine as a remedy.“, rather indicates Jack Willans, working at the Sea Life aquarium in London, in MailOnline. Instead, prefer sea water, baking soda or heat, because like wasp venom, that of jellyfish is thermolabile.
Likewise, walking around in winter with wet hair won’t automatically make you sick, as your mother or grandmother always told you. It is in fact the climatic conditions, colder and more humid, which favor the gatherings of crowds and the mixing of populations. A period also where the deficiency vitamin D is stronger, leading to weaknesses in the immune system.
Every day, false beliefs are conveyed, while they have no scientific proof. Since it’s safe to go swimming within two hours of a meal and cracking your fingers won’t cause arthritis, here are six health beliefs that everyone believes, but are actually completely false.