the massage is not a trivial act ”, would like to remind Jean-François Dumas, physiotherapist. And to add that if it is harmless, it is because it is not really effective …
It therefore has several contraindications:
Skin diseases (eczema), open wounds, recent infection, inflammation.
Unconsolidated fracture.
Circulatory problems: varicose veins (especially at the ulcer stage), recent bruising.
It also requires a number of precautions:
By an overall relaxing effect of the body, massage often leads to a drop in blood pressure. Be careful with getting up at the end of the massage, in order to avoid any discomfort.
During pregnancy, certain areas and maneuvers should be avoided.
After sports, massaging on a strain can promote the formation of a cyst.
In case of diabetes, or heart disease, medical advice should be sought.