We know the seven deadly sins from the Catholic Church. They are the basis of all other sins. They are also applicable to weight loss!
1. Superbia (vanity)
Many people die purely for looks. There is nothing wrong with that, but remember that losing weight does much more for you. Your health improves, your condition improves by leaps and bounds, you feel more confident. All reasons to keep losing weight!
2. Avaritia (greed)
Striving for a perfect figure and a mannequin buddy is usually not really feasible. It is much better not to be so ‘greedy’. Be satisfied with 10% weight loss, you will be doing your health a lot of favors.
3. Luxuria (lust)
Do you have a great appetite for good food and sweets while dieting? There is a good chance that you are approaching the diet too strict. Make sure you don’t get hungry, eat regularly and build in a moment to let the reins go. It may take longer this way, but you’ll keep it up.
4. Invidia (jealousy, envy)
Many dieters are jealous of people who can eat normally without getting too fat. Be wiser: There really are very few people who can eat unlimited. Most people of normal weight have learned to maintain balance. They take a piece of pie every now and then, but make up for it later. You can too!5. Gula (gluttony, intemperance)
Now that I’m already ‘sinning’, I might as well continue… Recognizable? Many dieters make a mistake when they deviate from their established rules. Unfortunate! Try to pick up the thread again as quickly as possible, that is the real art of line.
6. Ira (anger)
It may well happen that you are furious at the scale, because the intended effect is not forthcoming. Do not weigh yourself too often, once a week is sufficient, then you will not be frustrated by natural fluctuations in your weight.
7. Acedia (laziness, slowness)
If you want to lose weight, don’t be lazy. Get moving, at least an hour every day. The great thing is that exercise is ‘addictive’ in a positive way. Before you know it, your body is asking for action!
- Plus Magazine