An enlarged lymph node in the neck
There are glands all over your body, lymph nodes to be precise. Did you know that you have hundreds of lymph nodes in your body? The best known are probably the glands in the neck, armpits and groin. Do you suffer from swollen neck glands? In most cases it is quite harmless and those swollen glands ensure that the inflammation does not spread to the rest of your body.
Do you suffer from an enlarged lymph node in your neck? That usually doesn’t hurt. Lymph nodes are collection sites for white blood cells. These blood cells protect you against viruses and bacteria, for example. So they are working very hard to protect you and aid in recovery.
You can suffer from swollen glands in your neck with these conditions:
strep throat
One of the most common causes of swollen glands in the neck is sore throat† Annoying, but it almost never hurts. It usually goes away on its own within ten days.
Pfeiffer’s disease
Your glands can also swell with mononucleosis. Mononucleosis is a viral infection that is very common, especially among young people. The cause is the Epstein-Barr virus. mononucleosis can be quite annoying. You may feel sick and tired for a long time.
cold sore
The herpes virus causes a cold sore and can therefore be accompanied by swollen glands in the neck. Annoying and sometimes painful. It takes about one to two weeks for the cold sore to disappear completely.
Common cold
Even if a cold virus has caught you, you can suffer from swollen glands. Bee a cold the mucous membranes in your nose and throat are inflamed. You can get complaints such as coughing, sneezing, a stuffy nose and throat and ear pain. A cold will go away on its own. The symptoms can last for a few weeks.
Corona vaccination
Recently, side effects center Lareb reported that enlarged lymph nodes are also a side effect of the corona vaccines† After the booster vaccination, the center received relatively more reports than other side effects compared to the first and second injection. They also arise more quickly after vaccination, they last a little longer and reporters are more affected by them. The symptoms usually disappear after a week.
When to go to the doctor?
If the glands remain enlarged for more than two weeks, it is recommended to see a doctor. Also see your doctor if you have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck without being sick or having an infection. And if the enlarged lymph node feels hard or if you discover enlarged lymph nodes in more places.