“After a stroke, the establishment of muscle strengthening is necessary, and work on walking rehabilitation must be done as soon as possible”, has just underlined the High Authority of Health in a report that it has just dedicated to “good practices” for rehabilitation after a stroke.
In this report, the HAS recommends setting up this motor rehabilitation without wasting time and by combining several methods, and insists that we put “from the start on the therapeutic education of the patient and his entourage in order to optimize and sustain the results of rehabilitation “.
This report also lists the methods of motor rehabilitation, manual or instrumental, with recommendations for application according to the three “phases” of management: the “acute” phase up to 14 days after the stroke, “subacute” phase from 14 days to 6 months after the stroke and the “chronic” phase thereafter.
Stroke: an absolute emergency
It was recalled again a few days ago, on International Stroke Day: stroke is an absolute emergency. And at the first signs, dial 15.
Stroke is the 3rd cause of death in France (after cancer and heart attack), it is the 1st cause of acquired disability in adults. In France, 130,000 new cases of stroke occur each year, 25% of which are under 65, and 500,000 people suffer daily from after-effects of a stroke, according to figures provided by the General Directorate of Health.
The most common sequelae of stroke are partial paralysis, difficulty performing movements, sensation, sight or speech disturbances.