The “third wave” of the Health Barometer survey of the April Health Equitable Foundation, which works to improve health, has just been published. For this third edition of its barometer, the APRIL Foundation asked the French people about their perception of the health system.
Main surprise of this study: nearly one out of two employees (46%) believes that their work environment has a negative impact on their health: a figure that even climbs to 50% among 35-49 year olds! A feeling that is worth more in the public (52%) than in the private sector (42%).
Other lessons from this barometer:
– 41% of French people believe that the healthcare system is fair but that only 32% think that everyone has the same chance of being in good health.
– 79% think that there is an improvement in health information and that it is possible to have a dialogue with health professionals and they are even 86% to declare that they are well informed on how to be and stay healthy good health.
Should we see the impact of communication campaigns on the subject: 25% of French people (i.e. 6% more than in 2012) believe that the practice of physical activity contributes directly to being in good health .
Finally, 47% of French people believe that the Social Security deficit is due to individual behavior, against 16% who blame the State and 17% pharmaceutical companies. And to help reduce this deficit, they are 85% to say they are ready to go see the doctor only in case of extreme necessity, 63% to limit their consumption of drugs and 60% to take generic drugs. .