We know that eating fruits and vegetables every day is excellent for your health. Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day (about 400-500 grams of tomatoes, green beans, apples, strawberries, etc.) help keep cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, inflammatory diseases at bay…
According to a recent study by Edith Cowan University (in Australia), a diet rich in fruits and vegetables would also help fight… against stress.
To reach this conclusion, the Australian researchers recruited 8,600 volunteers aged 25 to 91: they found that participants who ate at least 470g of fruit and vegetables each day had about 10% lower stress levels. compared to participants who ate “only” 230 g per day.
“Our work clearly shows that food has an impact on mental health. Eating more fruits and vegetables each day is not complicated, and it can help prevent some serious consequences of chronic psychological stress – such as depression or certain heart diseases” notes Dr. Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, main author of this study published in the scientific journal Clinical Nutrition.
How to eat more fruits and vegetables every day?
First, we strive toalways add a serving of vegetables to each meal : some steamed green beans to accompany mashed potatoes, a handful of peas mixed with white rice, carrots and celery in a Bolognese sauce… For those in a hurry, there is a frozen pre-cut vegetables, which have the same nutritional qualities as fresh!
Second, we eat a fruit at the 11 a.m. snack and at the 4 p.m. snack : it’s good for health, but also for the line since it prevents us from cracking on the children’s chocolates. You can opt for a compote (without added sugar, if possible), a crunchy fruit (seasonal, if possible) or a homemade fruit dessert (if you have time). We are also thinking of adding some fruit to breakfast!
Third, we do not hesitate to vary the pleasures to avoid weariness : we set off to discover seasonal fruits and vegetables, we do not hesitate to test the fruits and vegetables grown in our region, and we allow ourselves small, more exotic pleasures from time to time – a mango, passion fruit, kakis…
Read also :
- 15 super foods to eat this spring
- 6 ways to prepare watermelon
- 12 easy recipes with summer vegetables