August 14, 2007 – The addition of short breaks would have beneficial effects on the physical well-being and productivity of employees, concludes an American study.
Over the course of eight weeks, 51 data entry clerks for the Cincinnati Revenue Department participated in the study. Researchers looked at the effect of additional five-minute breaks on the overall health and productivity of employees who spend their day in front of a computer. They also tried to determine if stretching exercises would have an effect on their performance.
According to the results, when workers were given a total of 20 extra minutes of break per day, they made more data entries during their shift – about 250 more keystrokes per hour.
In addition, the additional breaks would have allowed them to relieve muscle discomfort and visual fatigue related to the nature of their work.
On the other hand, no beneficial effect could be attributed to periods of muscle stretching. Participants performed the exercises for only 25% of their 15-minute breaks and 39% of their additional five-minute breaks.
For four weeks, participants worked a regular day consisting of two 15-minute breaks and a half-hour lunch. During the next four weeks, they took an additional five-minute break four times during the day. About 20 employees were required to perform nine two-minute stretching exercises during their break. All participants completed a questionnaire on their general condition four times a day2.
Emmanuelle Bergeron – PasseportSanté.net
1. Galinsky T, Swanson N et al.Supplementary breaks and stretching exercises for data entry operators: a follow-up field study, Am J Ind Med. 2007 Jul; 50 (7): 519-27.
2. The questionnaire included a qualitative assessment of musculoskeletal discomfort, visual pain or disturbance, headache, mood, energy level and fatigue.