About 80 percent of adults experience back pain from time to time. Here you will find background information and solutions for your back problems.
9 questions about low back pain
Many people think the opposite when it comes to back pain, but it’s best to keep moving as much as possible. Even when it hurts. Plus Health covers 9 questions about low back pain.
Prevent and relieve back pain
The back is a weak spot in many human bodies. And that’s not surprising: after all, it has to carry about two-thirds of our body weight. The average general practitioner therefore sees a lot of people with…
From low back pain to stiff neck
Complaints of the back, neck and shoulders are becoming more common. Research shows that 4 in 5 people sometimes have to deal with back problems and pain in the neck and/or shoulders. Not everyone goes…
7 tips to relieve back pain
Back pain is a collective name for various back complaints. Many people struggle with these complaints. These tips can help relieve the pain.
What you can do for low back pain
Low back pain is a common and often painful phenomenon. Eight out of ten adults will experience it at some point. Back muscle strain is the most likely cause. You can…
Exercises to relieve your back
A typical response to back pain is to take it easy. While this approach is understandable and may even be recommended in the short term, it can undermine healing in the longer term….
Good news for 2021 about pain relief
The coronavirus has had a major impact on regular healthcare. Fortunately, medical progress has not stood still and there are many new developments. To which new treatments…
Working from home: this is how you keep it ergonomic
Due to the coronavirus, many people are now working from home. Usually behind the laptop or a computer. And not for an hour, but often hours in a row. Not everyone has a home…
More in this special
What can you do about low back pain?
Jan Willem Elkhuizen: ‘Take back pain seriously’
I have back pain and numbness in my foot. How come?
Does your back hurt? Move!
Severe Back Pain: What Can I Do About It?
Everything in this special