Many people relate the moon cycles and the quality of their sleep. After much research on the subject, no scientific proof has yet been found, but received ideas and beliefs are rife.
The effect of the moon on the sleep of 5,812 children
Researchers from the Eastern Ontario Research Institute (Canada) focused this time on the full moon effects on the sleep habits of children, who are more sensitive to environmental factors and more prone to behavioral changes than adults.
The international research team followed for 28 months (i.e. 28 lunar cycles) 5,812 children from all over the world, from different economic and socio-cultural levels. The study took into account certain criteria: age, sex, level of education of parents, body mass index (BMI), sleep duration during the night, level of physical activity and sedentary time.
A reduction in sleep of only 1%
The findings, published in the journal Frontiers in Pediatrics show a reduction in sleep of only 1% during the full moon. According to the authors of this work, this result remains without much statistical significance.
According to the different cycles of the moon, the researchers found that the sleep duration around the full moon decrease of about 5 minutes compared to the time of the new moon.
New evidence that shows the moon doesn’t really affect the behaviour and sleep.
Further research on the full moon will be carried out
According to the researchers, the 1% reduction in sleep during the full moon has little or no influence on health.
However, further research with a larger sample remains to be carried out on the full moon and the behavior of certain people including factors such as education, income and psychosocial factors.
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