Far from only concerning babies and children, theeczema affects between 3 and 8% of adults. Occurring in outbreaks on very dry skin, the red lesions covered with small blisters cause intense itching.
Emollient care: essential, daily hydration with so-called emollient products makes it possible to space out flare-ups and maintain supple skin. The texture of the products has improved considerably, making this gesture less constraining.
Showers without soap: we avoid baths, washcloths and too harsh cleansers. Prefer lukewarm showers and wash with your hands using liquid syndets type products (without soap), surgras soaps, dermatological bars, washing oils. Without rubbing but by dabbing the skin to dry it.
topical corticosteroids : “The application of cortisone on the lesions remains the reference treatment, recalls Dr Anne-Claire Fougerousse, dermatologist. Used as recommended by the doctor, the topical corticosteroids are safe”. New forms facilitate their use, in particular the mousse, which is interesting for treating the scalp.
Tacrolimus ointment : in case of failure of topical corticosteroids or contraindications, dermatologists can prescribe tacrolimus (Protopic®). “This immunomodulator (which regulates the reactions of the immune system) requires precautions for use. But applied twice a day during outbreaks, then twice a week in the maintenance phase, it gives good results”, underlines Dr Fougerousse.
Anti-stress strategies : THE stress is often implicated in the occurrence of relapses. Everyone has to find their own method of managing it: sport, meditation, sophrology…
In this disease, the cells of the epidermis are renewed in 3 to 5 days instead of the usual 21 to 28 days. Red patches covered with scales appear on the scalp, elbows, knees… This chronic inflammation causes two out of three cases of itching. Too often, it still arouses reactions of rejection on the part of the entourage.
Local treatments: generally composed of a substance close to the vitamin D and/or a topical corticosteroid, they
are very effective against flare-ups provided they are used every day for the first month. Thereafter, the applications are more spaced out.
Oral treatments: retinoids, methotrexate, cyclosporine or biotherapies are reserved for severe forms because they have contraindications and can lead to significant side effects. But their interest is real.
A healthier life: stress, smokingexcessive consumption ofalcohol are aggravating factors that can be acted upon.
Very unsightly and difficult to live with, because it is wrongly associated with heavy alcohol consumption, this disease of the small blood vessels of the face is characterized by strong redness, sometimes associated with inflammatory pimples (papules and pustules). It is also accompanied by unpleasant feelings of overheating and tightness in the skin.
Optimal sun protection: the most important thing to limit the progression of the disease is to protect the skin well against UV.
New habits: spices, alcohol, tea, coffee and too intense physical activities, which have a vasodilating effect and accentuate the symptoms. On the bathroom side, favor very gentle cleansers (no alcohol-based lotions, no scrubs) and very fluid moisturizers.
Local treatments and/or antibiotics: a wide range of treatments makes it possible to slow down the development of the lesions, or even to make them regress. But they must be taken for at least 3 months.
Laser sessions: it usually takes several at 3 week intervals, outside of sunny periods. Around €100 per session (not reimbursed).
Camouflage products: loose powders and sticks rich in green pigments (Vichy, Avène, La Roche-Posay) reduce facial redness.
This disease without gravity leads to the appearance of white spots due to depigmentation of the skin. No treatment can completely recolor them or permanently stop their extension. Does this explain why some doctors still tell their patients that there is not much they can do? However, there are solutions to mitigate these manifestations.
Class 3 topical corticosteroids: their immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects seem to help stabilize the progression of the depigmentation. They would promote repigmentation of localized areas with an improvement rate between 20 and 90%. But undesirable effects sometimes make it necessary to limit their use.
Tacrolimus ointment: used off-label (marketing authorisation), this immunosuppressant seems to give results comparable to those of topical corticosteroids, with fewer side effects.
Melanocyte transplants: This surgical gesturewhich most often consists of taking melanocytes from the scalp, gives good results on segmental vitiligo (well-defined area of skin, in the form of a band and on one side of the body only) which has been stable for 3 years.
Corrective makeup: it is possible to unify the color with a compact foundation (Avène, La Roche-Posay, Vichy). After depositing it on the face, smooth with a sponge from the center outwards. Then take a little product and insist on the stains of vitiligo, with the finger or the sponge, to cover more intensely. Finish with a cloud of powder for perfect hold. You can also make up only the area concerned, stretching the contours to avoid demarcations. If it is a small depigmented area, such as the contour of the mouth or the eyes, it is made up with a blond eyebrow corrector pencil.
A self-tanner: to camouflage vitiligo on the hands, it is best to applyspray tan on the depigmented area, three evenings in a row to start, then once every 2 or 3 days. Wipe the contours well to avoid demarcations.
Medical UV can help: phototherapy, that is to say UV exposure strictly supervised by a dermatologist, can be part of the treatment. This is also the case for psoriasis or eczema.
Who to consult?
The average wait time for an appointment with a dermatologist is 64 days. If rapid medical advice is necessary, it is best to consult your general practitioner. If necessary, he can then speed up the appointment with a specialist. To find a practitioner near you, you can consult the free online directory My doctor and thus know the availability of dermatologists registered on this platform.
SOS suspicious mole
Eight times out of ten, melanomas (the most aggressive skin cancers) develop from normal skin and appear as a pigmented patch resembling a mole. More rarely, they develop from a pre-existing mole. What should alert? An irregular color spot that has just appeared or a mole that has recently changed, meeting at least 3 of the following criteria: A for Asymmetry, B for Irregular border, C for Uneven color, D for Diameter greater than 6 mm, E for Scalability. Beware of rapid variations in color, size, shape, or volume, itching, scab formation, spontaneous bleeding. As a precaution, it is advisable to show your skin to a doctor once a year. Thanks to Dr Philippe Deshayes, dermatologist.
An app to contact a dermatologist
For lack of available doctor, when spots or pimples appear, the temptation is great to search the Internet, with the key to risky self-diagnoses and a lot of unnecessary anxiety. Hence the interest of the Epiderm app. Created by Dr Élisabeth Berrissoul, dermatologist, and Antoine Bohuon, entrepreneur, it allows you to send your questions and photos of your lesions to a doctor with a degree in specialized studies in dermatology, registered with the Council of the Order and trained in teleconsultation practice. The answer, guaranteed within 48 hours, does not involve a prescription. The interviewed doctor gives advice on self-medication. If necessary, he can inform the attending physician of the situation and thus speed up obtaining an appointment with a dermatologist. Epiderm app on App Store (for iPhone and iPad). €29 for contact with a doctor (cost covered by certain mutual insurance companies).
Sites to know
• There French Society of Dermatology informs the general public about the skin and its diseases
• A rosacea portal created by the Galderma laboratory
• I’French Vitiligo Association provides patient support
• I’French Eczema Association help those affected
• I’Association France Psoriasis offers listening, advice
And the spa treatments?
Their interest is confirmed by several studies: after 3 weeks, the inflammation is reduced, the desquamation less important, the itching soothed. In the following year, patients have fewer flare-ups and use less corticosteroids. THE cures 18 days are reimbursed when prescribed by a doctor. On the other hand, those of 6 or 12 days (Molitg-les-Bains, La Roche-Posay…) are not covered. More informations here.
Read also :
Psoriasis, a skin disease feared by the French
Skin diseases: is the sun good?