Taste a beer while doing good to his body seems more like a sweet dream than reality. And yet … Chan Mei Zhi Alcine, a fourth year student in the Food Science & Technology Program at the National University of Singapore did it! Supervised by Liu Shao Quan, her teacher, she created a beer probiotic for the needs of his end-of-year project.
Probiotics are living microorganisms that are beneficial for health. These harmless bacteria, which are found in food, aid digestion and strengthen the immune system. “The benefits of probiotics are well known. Although good bacteria are often found in fermented foods, there is currently no beer on the market that contains probiotics,” Explain Chan Mei Zhi Alcine. So we had to think about it!
A beer that contains the bacteria Lactobacillus casei L26
To find the perfect recipe, the student and her teacher worked tirelessly for nine months. And the task was not easy: developing a sufficient number of probiotics in beer is an achievement, because it contains hop, which inhibits the growth and survival of probiotics. But by changing traditional brewing techniques and the fermentation process, scientists have achieved their goals. Their beer, which has a alcohol 3.5%, contains the bacterium Lactobacillus casei L26, which is found in particular in cheeses like Comté, Saint-Nectaire or Parmesan. This one-of-a-kind recipe would eliminate toxins and viruses, strengthen the immune system and improve digestive health.
To protect this find, the National University of Singapore has filed for a patent. The two inventors are now looking for partners in order to market their beer.
Read also :
What are probiotics for?
Probiotics: 3 golden rules to optimize the effects
Probiotics, a slimming ally?