The polyarthritis rheumatoid is an inflammatory disease of the joints that affects nearly 0.3% of the French population, according to the National Institute of Health (Inserm). Painful joints swell and deform, which can lead to functional disability. The few treatments available can stabilize the disease, but a new study conducted by Swiss researchers would cure it completely.
Scientists have successfully treated mice with rheumatoid arthritis by injecting them with a product that binds to the protein in inflammatory tissues. The drug targets only areas of pain, thus limiting side effects. “This allows us to concentrate an active substance where the harm is found and the concentration in the rest of the body is minimal,” said Teresa Hemmerle, one of the authors of the study.
Mice with rheumatoid arthritis which received this treatment were found to be completely cured. These promising animal results pave the way for clinical trials in humans with arthritis. According to the researchers, these experiments will begin next year.
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