For aromatherapy enthusiasts, observing a ravintsara from Madagascar (Cinnamomum camphora CT cineole) is a source of wonder. In Italy, the city of Pisa has the privilege of owning one within a botanical garden dating from the 16th century. Also called “false camphor tree”, this large majestic tree of the Lauraceae family is native to Asia and acclimatized in Madagascar.
From its leaves is extracted an exceptional essential oil, rich in terpene oxide useful for the bronchopulmonary system, in particular for expectoration. It also contains monoterpenes and monoterpenols, which makes it a essential oil very powerful antiviral. Finally, it is used in olfactotherapy on a psycho-emotional level: anxiety, tired, lack of enthusiasm, pessimism … its essential oil comes to the aid of the anxious.
Contrary to what its botanical name (camphora) suggests, ravintsara contains very little camphor, or bornanone. Its essential oil therefore does not exhibit toxicity at the recommended doses. As for the Japanese camphor tree, or Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Sieb., It has become the emblem of the city of Hiroshima. Because it is the first tree, along with ginkgo biloba, to have grown back after the explosion of the atomic bomb!
In case of nervousness, place 1 or 2 drops of essential oil in the hollow of the wrists and inhale it several times a day.
Precautions for use with essential oil of ravintsara
Seek medical advice in the event of pregnancy or breastfeeding and in children under 3 years. Place a drop in the crook of the elbow, if no redness appears after 5 to 10 minutes, everything is fine. Avoid contact of the essential oil with the eyes.
Respect the indicated doses, whatever the preparation.
Fortifying infusion with ravinstara
It strengthens the body and helps it defend itself against the flu.
Recipe : Put in a cup, 1 tbsp. coffee of honey, 1 drop of essential oil (ET) of ravintsara and 1 drop of essential oil of tea tree
To mix together
Put 20 g of thyme and 20 g of rosemary in 500 ml of simmering water
Cover and let infuse 10 to 15 minutes
Pour into the cup while straining, mix well.
How to use it ? Drink the infusion in the morning and at noon.
Special chickenpox balm
This soothing oatmeal blend relieves itching caused by chickenpox pimples and promotes healing of lesions.
Recipe : Pour 10 g of oatmeal or 1 cup of crushed oatmeal into a large bowl Add 2 drops of essential oil of ravintsara, 2 drops of essential oil of niaouli, 1 drop of essential oil of matricaria and 1 drop of Lavender aspic EO Mix well.
How to use it ? After washing your hands carefully, gently apply this preparation to the pimples. Another solution: dilute the mixture of essential oils in lukewarm bath water, then leave the child with the disease immersed for 5 to 8 minutes.
Decongestant massage
It promotes expectoration, gently clears the bronchi and facilitates breathing in cases of ENT disease.
Recipe : Pour into a brown glass bottle (to protect the preparation from light) 10 drops of essential oil of ravintsara, 10 drops of essential oil of palmarosa, 10 drops of essential oil of Roman chamomile and 5 drops of essential oil of officinal lavender
Fill the bottle with apricot kernel vegetable oil
To mix together.
How to use it ? Massage your chest and neck or massage your upper back in the morning and evening.
Calming cold sore cream
This treatment soothes the tingling and itching caused by cold sores, also called cold sores.
Recipe : Wash your hands well, then place a dab of shea butter in the palm of your palm.
Add 2 drops of ravintsara essential oil, 2 drops of tea tree essential oil and 1 drop of Italian helichrysum essential oil
For adults only: add another 1 drop of EO peppermint
Mix well.
How to use it ? Apply the preparation to the lip as soon as the tingling appears, then to the rash, 4 to 6 times a day, until the vesicles heal. Wash hands thoroughly after each contact with the lesion. At the same time, take orally 1 drop of EO of ra-vintsara on a sugar, 3 times a day.
Anti-flu duo
It protects the body and naturally brightens up.
Recipe : In the event of flu syndrome, take 2 drops of ravintsara EO and 2 drops of tea tree EO by sublingual route.
How to use it ? At the rate of 3 doses per day, for 4 to 6 days. If possible, perform a decongestant massage on the chest and neck (see recipe above), in the morning and in the evening.
For further
St. John’s Wort, an effective herb against depression
The multiple benefits of thyme
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