Making an investigation-metal is an approach that helps to confront the idea you have of a job, with your reality on the ground. Make a business survey of professionals in the sector will allow you to understand the challenges of the job, its possible difficulties, its conditions of access, and the training necessary to exercise it.
What is a herbal investigation?
Key tool to comfort itself in your professional project, the business survey is a research work which consists in gleaning first-hand information on a profession in order to confirm (or not) the relevance of a professional project.
People in Professional retraining Carry out a business survey to ensure that their expectations correspond well to the reality of the profession that attracts them. What could be better than addressing pros in the sector to validate the consistency of a project and eliminate popular ideas?
When to make a metal investigation?
If you have already targeted your future profession or a particular sector of activity for your professional retraining but that you still hesitate between two or three possibilities, it is the ideal time to do your marketing investigation!
It is just as judicious to undertake a business investigation within the framework of a Skills assessment. Eligible to the CPF (personal training account), the skills assessment allows you to take stock of your career and highlight your skills, your motivations and your professional aspirations.
In general, after such a assessment, the beneficiaries validated the consistency and feasibility of their professional project and built, with the help of a professional advisor, a specific action plan to make it up. The metal survey then allows them to go beyond appearances and verify that the project corresponds well to the image they have of it.
How to make a business survey to redirect yourself?
It is now easy to collect relevant information on a trade by looking on the net. Reading business sheets and watching YouTube videos will already allow you to get a first idea of a particular position.
That said, you will have to dig a little more to refine your job perception and to identify all the facets. This is where your metal survey will have real added value. But how do you have to meet professionals likely to answer you?
How to contact pros?
Professionals are the best placed people to communicate to you key info on the profession you covet. But, in practice, how to succeed in approaching and contacting them to do a herbal investigation?
You can try the specialized forums, professional fairs and directories, social media (especially Linkedin!) And, of course, your own network, by mobilizing your close or distant entourage.
You can also take your courage in both hands and go there by contacting companies by phone or, better, by presenting yourself directly to the reception to briefly explain your approach.
However, this frontal method requires a certain knowledge of the activity to show that you have not come here by chance. It would be a shame to leave a bad impression on future potential work colleagues!
What questions what to ask during a business survey?
If pros have kindly agreed to grant you time to answer your questions, do not come your hands in your pockets without any preparation, it could pass for a lack of respect! Remember to write a list of questions upstream and encourage your interlocutor to develop if you consider that a point deserves to be deepened during the telephone interview.
To this end, we provide you with a questionnaire model Where you will find a list of a good fifty questions to make your investigation-metal. You will only have to make your selection according to the time you have with the person who agreed to answer you.
This list must serve as a benchmark during the appointment but only active listening will allow you to bounce intelligently to collect the information you need to validate your professional project.