In France, one in two workers is considering, carrying out or has already carried out their professional reconversion! This is what revealed the big investigation carried out by BVA on the French and reconversion.
But why do we want to retrain? Three motivations particularly stand out:
- First, boredom and lack of meaning at workcited by 44% of respondents;
- Afterwards, the pressure in current job (36% of respondents);
- Finally, health problems such as burnout for example (23% of respondents, a significant proportion of whom are under 35 years old.
To know how to successfully retrain, there’s nothing like a practical guide… That’s good, I prepared one which I gladly offer you !
1. Why change?
That’s true, where does this sudden desire come from? What are the real reasons that push you to want to change your professional direction? Identify the triggers that lead you to this desire for retraining: stress, burn-out, weariness, desire for independence, pressure from the hierarchy, bad work atmosphere, deep boredom, stagnant salary, etc.
— Announcement —
It’s important to take the time to take stock to understand what no longer suits you in the current situation. Do you still enjoy your job or do you mainly want a change?
Ask yourself the right questions and answer them as clearly as possible: in my current position, what do I not like doing? What interests me the least? I advise you to put into words your discomfort at work. By identifying the root causes of your distress, you will lay the first solid foundations for your reconversion.
2. Where do I stand?
Now, it’s time to be constructive… Ask yourself what you’re looking for, what you’re missing, what you want to accomplish, what you really want in your career. There are plenty of possible answers: more responsibilities? More meaning? Less pressure? Cooler management? Better pay? More free time? More autonomy? More teleworking?
How to succeed in your professional retraining – Yves Patte – TEDx Talks
Also take the opportunity to think about your ideal job, the one that would allow you to fully flourish and take advantage of all your skills. By racking your brain to get to the bottom of things, you will list the things that are essential for you in your future job (or your future position). Or maybe you already have your own idea, like going back to school or starting your own business to make a living from your passion…
3. Time to take stock?
Whether you are hesitant about your choice of reorientation or you know perfectly well where you want to go, doing a skills assessment with a specialized consultant is always a good idea. This will allow you to better identify your strengths, your skills and, more generally, your interpersonal skills.
With an outside perspective that is both professional and caring, you will be able to project yourself into the future and come up with interesting career paths that you hadn’t necessarily thought of.
This assessment will give you the opportunity to go deeper into your thinking and take stock of what interests you and motivates you. It generally lasts around twenty hours (half of which is devoted to individual interviews), spread over two or three months.
Many organizations offer to carry out professional assessments. Financing will depend on your situation (employee, job seeker, etc.) but, most often, your CPF credit can be used for this process.
4. Do I really like this direction?
Find information on the different professions in the sector that interests you and the companies that are recruiting. Sources of information are numerous, varied and accessible online. You can conduct a 360° survey: professions, specialties, training, opportunities, job market.
You can also conduct job surveys with professionals and try to talk with someone who already practices this profession. This will allow you to confront your vision with reality. If you take the time to look, you can also take advantage of certain Pôle Emploi schemes which allow you to discover careers.
If you are young, you can also come across discovery courses organized by local missions. If you are younger, know that there is no age limit for doing an internship. The immersion internship is a concrete opportunity to find out if a job corresponds to what you have in mind. Nothing is more effective than moments in real conditions. If you are currently working, it may be a good time to take time off or request unpaid leave.
How to succeed in your professional retraining: the free guide
To discover the other 6 steps, I offer you the practical guide below which I prepared for this purpose. Richly illustrated with photos, practical tools and advice videos, it will be valuable for you to ask yourself all the right questions…