Six of the seven Primary candidates from the left answer questions from the editorial staff of Pourquoidocteur on major health issues.
After the success of the Primary of the right and the center (4.4 million voters in the second round) which crowned François Fillon, it is the turn of the French left to elect its candidate (January 22 and 29 2017) for the presidential election.
Notable change from the previous election, health is at the center of the debates. Health insurance, hospital … the French wanted to hear about it, they are served.
But a few hours before the last televised debate (1), many uncertainties remain about the number of voters and the profile of voters. When in doubt, the candidates chose to remain cautious about their positions on health. Thus, all proclaim loud and clear the slogan: “Do not touch my Safety”. Vincent Peillon proposes in this area to “merge the generalized social contribution (CSG) and income tax to finance social protection”. Arnaud Montebourg’s priority is to breathe new life into the hospital. His method: create 5,000 medical and paramedical positions per year at the public hospital during his five-year term. Benoît Hamon wants to lead a real risk reduction policy. It is in this that he is committed to legalizing cannabis. But also, to initiate a global fight against addictions (alcoholism and smoking), by investing in health education and prevention. Finally, the former Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, has the ambition to continue his fight against medical deserts. With radical formulas: the selective agreement of practitioners.
Why actor We therefore suggest that you find the interviews of six of the seven candidates (2) for Primary from the left, questioned on seven major themes. This special edition can be viewed free of charge in pdf.
(1) Thursday, January 19: third debate of the Citizen Primaries. The 7 candidates, Jean-Luc Bennahmias, François de Rugy, Benoît Hamon, Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon, Sylvia Pinel and Manuel Valls will debate at 8:55 pm on France 2 and Europe 1.
(2) Asked several times by us and despite her commitments, Sylvia Pinel did not answer our questions.