La Mutualité Française delivers the first quantified elements of decryption of the health programs of the candidates declared for the Presidential election. The bill is sometimes steep for the French.
“Brexit, US elections … hard not to see in these events a disconnect between the concerns of leaders and voters. And to date, nothing shows that the real concerns of the French will be at the heart of electoral debates, ”fears Thierry Beaudet, president of the Mutualité Française. However, the leader of mutuals recalls the results of a recent Odoxa survey (1). It showed that for the French, health will be one of the primary subjects during the 2017 Presidential election.
In order to put this issue back at the center of debates, the Mutualité Française launched on December 1 PlacedelaSanté.fr. On the occasion of the presentation of the site, Thierry Beaudet delivered the first encrypted program decryption elements health of candidates already declared. “The idea is not to take a stand for this or that candidate, but to help fuel the debates and shed light on the real societal choices implied by certain proposals,” he explains. And the bill is sometimes steep for French homes.
+ 300 € per person and per year with F. Fillon
20 billion euros would be the savings made by Social Security if, as proposed by François Fillon, the Health Insurance would focus on the reimbursement of serious or long-term ailments (ALD). The rest is, according to him, reimbursed by patients or their complementary health (2). This would allow, with the return to balance of Social Security, a reduction of 15.6 billion euros in the social debt (which would drop from 120.9 billion euros to 105.3 billion euros) , or compulsory levies (the rate of which would drop from 44.5% to 43.8% of GDP).
But 20 billion euros is also the additional sum that households or their complementary would then have to pay. This additional cost would represent 300 euros per person per year, according to the Mutuality. Or 1,200 euros in additional health costs for a couple with two children. A calculation lower than that of the Minister of Health. Recently, Marisol Touraine affirmed that with this proposal “each household will pay on average 3,200 euros more per year for treatment”. She denounced a “privatization” of Social Security …
JL Mélenchon countdown by François Fillon …
42.4 billion euros, these are the health expenses that households would no longer have to finance either directly or via their complementary health insurance, if, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon proposes, the health insurance had to reimburse 100% health care costs. On average, this would represent a saving of 638 euros per year and per person, or 2,553 euros for a couple with two children.
But 42.4 billion euros is also the additional sum that the Health Insurance should cover. According to mutual funds and partner think tanks (3), the financing of this measure would require an increase of 638 euros per person in compulsory levies, the weight of which in GDP would drop from 44.5% (in 2015) to 46.4 %. CSG rates should be increased, for example, by 45%, which would lead to an increase in the CSG rate on wages from 7.5% to 10.9%. Ouch!
… with less income for doctors
Moreover, in the absence of an additional source of funding, the Social Security deficit would widen by 42.4 billion euros. And if this deficit were transferred to the Social Debt Amortization Fund (Cades), then the amount of debt would increase from 120.9 billion euros to 163.3 billion euros, an increase of 35% . In order not to increase the weight that weighs on the youngest generations, the organic law relating to the financing laws of Social Security obliges, in this case, to increase the resources of the Cades so that the debt remains fully repaid to the company. 2025 horizon. This would lead to another increase in compulsory levies described above. Ouch a second time!
But Jean-Luc Mélenchon also promises patients to eliminate the excess fees for doctors. Expected savings for households: 2.8 billion euros, according to the Mutualité Française. This would represent a saving of 43 euros per person per year, and, for a couple with two children, 171 euros. For all doctors, however, this would result in a 14% drop in their income (this drop can reach 40% for some specialists). This work of deciphering the Mutualité Français will continue throughout the 2017 presidential campaign, over the proposals of the candidates in terms of health and social protection.
(1) Odoxa Health Barometer 360 – November 2016
(2) Simulation based on the following scenario: Social Security covers hospital expenses and expenses that fall under the ALD scheme, but stop reimbursing city care for expenses that do not fall under this scheme
(3) La Fondapol, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Terra Nova