A violent pain to the point of waking up at night, which “throws” by fits … Impossible to move your arm so much that hurts, even when you are motionless. These signs are characteristic of tendon calcification, due to a deposit of calcium on the surface of the tendons. But that has nothing to do with a diet that is too rich in calcium. The disease mainly affects women, between 30 and 50 years old. It can even occur several times. If it occurs most often in the shoulder, it can also be generalized. We speak in this case of disease of multiple calcifications. It’s painful, but not serious.
Treatments based on analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs
After confirming the diagnosis of tendon calcification with an X-ray, the doctor seeks to relieve the pain: immobilization, icing, oral analgesics, infiltration are part of the usual treatments. If that’s not enough, shock waves can be used, just like a kidney stone. Tendon puncture-trituration, which consists of puncturing the calcification with a needle under radiological control, is less and less practiced. There is indeed a risk of infection or tendon injury. As a last resort, if the pain persists for more than six months, it is better to surgically remove the calcium build-up. But most of the time, the deposit is evacuated spontaneously during an extremely painful crisis which corresponds to the rupture of the calcium mass.