“Post coitum, sad animal”, the Latins had already noticed that after love, the animal is sad. What a paradox! The orgasm that would lead to melancholy? However, statistical studies confirm this: 6% of men and 13% of women often or sometimes feel depressed after sex (Alfred Spira survey). And nearly 30% of people say they are relaxed but not happy after sex. “This sadness may reflect the state of apathy which follows coitus after the sudden release of sexual tension following orgasm,” says psychiatrist and sexologist Philippe Brenot in his book “Sex and Love”. It is also the translation of the indifference which seems to inhabit post coitum lovers and which is due to the secretion of endorphins responsible for the sensations of pleasure ”.
Losing consciousness no, losing your bearings, yes! Under the chemical action of neurotransmitters (dopamine which acts on the motivation circuit, serotonin which promotes orgasm, endorphins which cause well-being and the feeling of high) we let go, we surrender . Moreover, during theOrgasm even a large part of the blood flows to the genital area. Immediately afterwards, it flows back into the whole body, sometimes too quickly, hence the feeling of dizziness. Some authors have spoken of “little death”. Why not if it’s delicious?
Are women “fountains” a myth? It is enough to surf the internet a little to be definitely convinced otherwise, given the abundance of testimonials and comments on the matter. The expression comes from the fact that the women concerned emit a liquid during orgasm (sometimes a few drops, sometimes the equivalent of a whole glass, a bit as if they were ejaculating. The liquid has been analyzed, it does not contain not the same components as urine. Some researchers implicate the para-urethral glands, the female equivalent of the male prostate. Subjected to intense pleasure, women then emit a liquid close to seminal fluid. This biological peculiarity is sometimes wrong lived. “We should not, believes Dr Sylvain Mimoun. These women are all that there is more normal in their singularity, and men can be particularly excited by this generous flow, as if it were the proof. “Physical” and very material of the pleasure felt. “In any case, there is no treatment to date. According to recent studies, 6 to 36% of women are concerned. Some will not experience this emission of fluid that once in their life, others with every orgasm, whether achieved with a partner or during masturbation.