To stimulate your immune system and try to block the flu virus, why not opt for the good old natural onion recipes?
Against colds: onion in homeopathy
In homeopathy Allium cepa (made from the bulb of fresh onion) is used for infections of the upper respiratory tract and in particular for allergic rhinitis or infectious. As soon as you catch a cold which causes frequent sneezing and a clear, heavy runny nose, take Allium cepa granules.
Dosage : Allium cepa 5 CH, at the onset of a cold and a runny nose, 3 granules to be taken every two hours for three days, then space out when the symptoms improve.
Read also : Common cold, proven remedies
Against the flu: an onion macerate
To boost the body during an epidemic of flu and strengthen your immune defenses, Dr Valnet, doctor and father of aromatherapy, recommends slicing two onions, leaving them to marinate for a few hours in 500 ml of spring water and drink a glass of this onion macerate between meals and one at bedtime.
Read also : Flu: the remedies to cure it as quickly as possible
Against a sore throat: onion syrup
The recipe for this homemade syrup is extremely simple to make: you boil, for 10 minutes, 100g of chopped onion in 200 ml of spring water. Let cool slightly, filter then add a tablespoon of honey. Heat gently again, until a thick syrup is obtained.
For relieve a sore throat, take 4 to 6 teaspoons of this syrup until symptoms disappear.
Read also : Sore throat: treat it quickly with essential oils
Against the cold snap: an invigorating wine with onion
Prepare this recipe for a quick recovery from a chill that could put you in bed in a matter of hours.
Grind 300 g of raw onion, add 100 g of liquid honey and 600 ml of good quality light white wine. Mix well and drink 2 to 4 tablespoons of this particularly invigorating wine, at the slightest chill. But be careful: it is an alcoholic drink, a little moderation is required!
More info on the virtues of onion in: Onion flavors and virtues, by Nathalie Kholodovitch, Grancher editions