COPD is a chronic respiratory disease caused by inflammation and progressive obstruction of the bronchi. Particularly disabling, it affects between 5 and 10% of adults in France and is on the way to becoming the third leading cause of death in the world. However, the France Public Health Barometer showed in 2017 that COPD is still largely unknown to the general public. Thus, among the 6,347 people questioned: only one in five knew the term COPD and of these, only 1 in 3 listed tobacco as the main cause of the disease.
A misunderstanding that also affects smokers
It is estimated that 70% of patients affected by COPD unaware of their diseasethe diagnosis being often made when the disease is already at an advanced stage.
This is why, on the occasion of the World No Tobacco Day 2019the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, Public Health France and Health Insurance are launching a radio campaign “All about COPD“. It consists of 3 health chronicles of 60 seconds in the form of an interview.
This campaign will start on May 31 and will last until June 26. In these chronicles, broadcast in mainland France and the overseas departments, a pulmonologist will shed light on COPD and smokingon symptoms and diagnosis.
Beyond this COPD campaign, World No Tobacco Day is also an opportunity for all smokers to engage in a smoking cessation and for all health professionals, to talk about tobacco with all their patients.
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