You consult medical specialists with fee overruns ? Since January 1, 2016, your mutual health reimburses you less these costs. At issue: the reform of “responsible” contracts, which entered into force on April 1, 2015. It aims to fight against excess fees and price drifts – particularly in the field of optics – by encouraging doctors to do so. lower their rates. But this measure would (not yet) have the effect expected by the government, according to Le Figaro, who denounced Tuesday August 16, 2016, an increase in bills for patients. Because if the doctors do not reduce their rates, the patient, he pays the same amount as before the reform, with the only difference, sometimes of size, that he is no longer reimbursed by his mutual for this expense.
A 3% drop in fee overruns in four years
On the same day, the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine reacted by publishing a press release on the ministry’s website. She affirms that “Contrary to certain press statements, the care provided to the French in terms of health has improved“, based on a few figures. Thus, the portion remaining payable by the patient, after intervention of the Health Insurance and complementary health insurance, would have decreased from 9.1% in 2011 to 8.5% in 2014.”This represents a purchasing power gain of more than 1 billion for households“, we can read in the press release. The ministry also recalls that several acts are now reimbursed at 100%, which decreases the direct costs. This is the case of the contraception for minors, of organized breast cancer screeningor even acts relating to a voluntary termination of pregnancy (Abortion). In addition, Marisol Touraine underlines that the average fee overrun fell from 56% in 2011 to 53% in 2015.
“Better care means reducing the escalation of certain tariffs”
And this decline should continue because “better support also means limiting the escalation of certain tariffs“, according to the minister.”Too often, patients are asked for the reimbursement amount of their mutual insurance company by a professional who adjusts their rates accordingly. For this reason, the highest additional support must be limited.“, she adds. The government therefore reiterates its desire to promote reasonable prices for equal access to healthcare for all.
>> To read also:
Health insurance: avenues under study to save money
The consultation with the doctor at 25 euros: end of the round of negotiations
Why is it important to subscribe to a mutual health insurance?
Consultation with the doctor: how to cure oneself less expensive?