Good news: he However, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself in intense sports sessions. 30 minutes of walking a day are enough to slow mental aging for five to seven years.
The first study, carried out by Harvard Medical School in the United States, investigated the link between exercise and mental decline in 2,800 women over the age of 65 with cardiovascular problems, associated with increased risks. cognitive impairment. After a battery of cognitive tests carried out over a period of five years, it appeared that the more active women performed much better than their counterparts.
The second study concerns 197 adults participating in cross-sectional research on health, aging and body composition. The participants, on average 75 years old, were again subjected to tests showing that the more sedentary were the most likely to see their mental faculties dull.
Both studies were published online in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.
In addition, in the journal Neurology appeared an article suggesting that a walk of 9.5 kilometers per week could maintain the alertness of the brain capacities.
Finally, since isolation can increase the rate of stress and depression, causing memory loss, the renowned Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding loneliness.