Screen addiction is not only bad for the development of children. It would also be dangerous for mothers. A study from Deakin University in Australia warns moms obsessed with their smartphones.
The researchers observed a panel of 528 Australian moms aged 25 to 34 with one child aged two to five. They all answered a questionnaire on the time spent in front of a screen (smartphone, tablet, computer, TV).
In the end, 30% of the women participating in the survey presented symptoms of anxiety, reveals the study published in Plos One.
Smartphone overdose increases stress
A link has been clearly established between the duration of exposure to smartphone screens and the level of anxiety. The latter tended to increase in proportion to the time spent in front of a screen. In contrast, participants who spent a lot of time in front of their television sets were not more exposed to stress.
A “digital detox” to chase away stress
Australians have noticed that physical activity does not compensate for the stress accumulated by smartphone addicts.
This study suggests that moms who are too often glued to their phones try to do a “digital detox”. It can start with simple things like turning off your phone once in a while, not reading your emails too often, and allowing yourself more time with family or leisure.
Read also: Children’s health: we must limit the time spent in front of a screen
Do too many screens make children depressed?
Watching too much TV can make it anti-social