The Pari(s) Santé Femmes congress, which brings together 23 learned societies working for women’s health, presented various issues and their evolution.
- A congress takes stock of various health problems specific to women
- It puts forward proposals for better management of abortion, menopause, heavy periods and Covid during pregnancy
The Pari(s) Santé Femmes congress, which runs until January 15, highlights health problems unique to women: access to abortion, management of menopause, Covid-19 during pregnancy and heavy periods.
Nearly one in four pregnancies end in an abortion (in 2019, the number of abortions rose to 232,244, the number of births to 753,000).
To improve the course of a woman requesting an abortion in France, the CNGOF has 5 proposals: impose a short time frame for care and respect for the choice of method; free contraception for all women; significantly increase the value of abortion procedures; remunerate medical or surgical abortion in the same way; develop information on sexuality in schools.
“The conception of menopause management has evolved a lot over the last 20 years”, emphasizes Professor Nathalie Chabbert Buffet. “The emphasis is more on comprehensive care for women to best preserve their future health.”
The objectives are both the control of symptoms linked to estrogen deficiency and the prevention and/or management of bone loss and cardiovascular risk factors. Hormonal treatment of menopause (THM) retains its place, but appears to be one of the therapeutic options, with better defined indications and methods of use.
Pregnancy and Covid-19
“Pregnancy is associated with physiological changes that contribute to the occurrence of more severe forms of COVID-19: lowered immunity, reduced respiratory capacity, increased maternal cardiac work and the risk of vascular thrombosis which occurs more often. in case of SARS-CoV-2 infection”, explain health professionals.
Vaccination began in France about two weeks ago and pregnant women were excluded in principle from the different phases of the program. Although no study on the efficacy and tolerance of vaccination has taken place during pregnancy, the CNGOF and the GRIG (Research Group on Infections during Pregnancy) consider that there is no reason a priori to think that pregnant women should be excluded from vaccination campaigns.
Periods too abundant
Menorrhagia represents a third of the reasons for consultation in gynecology. These periods increased in abundance or in duration alter the quality of life and are associated with a risk of sometimes severe iron deficiency anemia. Progress in their management has led the National College of French Obstetrician Gynecologists (CNGOF) to update its recommendations.
“The therapeutic strategies proposed in these recommendations highlight the inadequacy of the medical treatments currently available in our country for the management of menorrhagia”, emphasizes Professor Brun. There remains the hormonal IUD, which therefore has wide indications today in menorrhagia in premenopausal women. In the absence of drug treatments, interventional techniques have found a more important place in the treatment of menorrhagia.