Meningitis is a disease that mainly affects infants, children and adolescents. It can cause serious physical sequelae and is fatal in 5 to 10% of cases. A study conducted by Harris Interactive, revealed by the GSK laboratory emphasizes that many parents are too little, and poorly informed about this disease.
Only one vaccine is compulsory against meningitis, only since January 1, 2018. It targets meningitis C and is intended for infants. But there are 5 types of meningococci. The study points out that 30% of parents do not know which type their child is protected against. 40% of parents whose children were born before January 1, 2018 mistakenly think that their child is vaccinated against all meningitis.
Not enough information on meningitis
Moreover, the vaccination schedule is not yet sufficiently respected. A study published in September 2018 explained that 1 in 4 deaths caused by meningitis could be avoided in children if they had been vaccinated at the right time.
Ignorance of the disease is the main problem in France. Especially since it is difficult to spot, because its first symptoms resemble the flu, and its spread is very rapid. The study revealed that meningitis is known on the surface by the French, especially on the pathogens that are responsible for meningitis. Thus, 61% of the parents questioned contact a health professional to find out more.
Read also:
Meningitec vaccine: no health risk according to the ANSM
Childhood meningitis: 1 in 4 deaths could have been avoided