Music, dance and theater are activities that stimulate our brain, in fact, they make our memory work harder. Artists have more developed brain capacities and a larger number of neurons than others.
Through his hobbies, researchers learn more about the human brain and memory. The actors of the play produced by Anne-Marie Ergis during the Semaine de la Mémoire – organized by the Observatoire B2V des Mémoires prove it to us.
Studies conducted on patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Experts in neuroscience, such as Hervé Platel – neuropsychologist, have carried out learning workshops with people with an advanced stage of Alzheimer’s disease, people who can no longer learn anything. The workshop offers them the opportunity to listen, every day, to excerpts from songs they had never heard before. The results showed that after 8 days, patients remember the songs played to them on the previous days and therefore people with Alzheimer’s disease still have the ability to learn and to hold back. However, they are not able to trace the source of the information, do not remember where they heard it or in what context.
Music and the arts are revealing. The brain has a hard time consolidating information in people with memory impairment, and researchers have found a method that helps this consolidation.
Studies are continuing at the Cyceron Center, of which Prof. Esutache (Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Observatory B2V des Mémoires) is the Director, a medical imaging platform which studies the brain and memory with the aim of finding new means of treatment for memory diseases.
The same tests are offered in an MRI by listening to a song that has always been known, a song learned during the first test, and a song that is unknown. This has made it possible to identify the region of the brain that makes it possible to record new information in people with cognitive disorders and to work on new means of management.
The Saturday September 20 Program:
Guided tour of the Cyceron Center by Prof. Francis Eustache (Director of GIP Cyceron and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Observatoire B2V des Mémoires).
This is the medical imaging platform that study the brain and memory with the aim of discovering new means of management to cure diseases of memory such as Alzheimer’s.
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