Several surveys are already moving in this direction: married men would be better off than single men. A new study conducted by British researchers from the University College of London, the London School of Economics and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has just confirmed this information.
The study, published in “The American Journal of Public Health”, was conducted in 1981, 1991, 2000, 2002-2004 on 10,226 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in 1958.
Singleness has less impact on women’s health
According to scientists, single men have a higher risk of developing respiratory disorders and heart disease than single women. For women, being single has less impact on health.
AT 50 yearsa single woman has as many risks of developing pathologies (diabetes, stroke…) than a married woman.
Marriage reduces the risk of premature death by 15%
Marriage would thus reduce the risk of premature death by 15% or the risk of suffering a cardiovascular accident by 5%.
Divorce, on the other hand, would not have an impact on the state of health when the divorced find a romantic partner.
However, the study does not prove the causal relationship. A set of interactions unique to each must play an important role in health outcomes.
Read also :
– The secret to a happy marriage? sleeping naked
– Unusual: happy marriage makes you fat