“ Pasta and rice are part of the big family of complex carbohydrates and will therefore slowly release carbohydrates to the body, a source of energy », introduces Dr Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayache. Their main difference is that rice is a raw cereal while pasta comes from the processing of a cereal which is wheat. “ Both can be available in refined, complete or semi-complete form. », specifies the nutritionist doctor.
Pasta or rice and nutritional values: draw!
We cannot say that rice or pasta are better from a nutritional point of view. Their nutritional qualities are in fact quite similar. “ Their energy value is almost equivalent: 120 calories per 100g cooked, i.e. 30g raw », Informs the nutritionist. This tells us that pasta, like rice, is a source of fibers (especially as they are complete or even integral) and vegetable proteins -pasta being a better source especially if it is egg pasta. Their content of lipids is also equivalent. “ Pasta and rice also both have interesting contents of iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and they are sources of vitamin E (germ of the cereal) and group B vitamins in the envelope of the latter at the exclusion of vitamin B12 » informs the Chicheportiche-Ayache.
Pasta or rice: you have to vary!
The main thing is to vary sources of complex or starchy sugars: pasta or rice but also bulgur‚ quinoa‚ semolina‚ and legumes (chickpeas‚ lentils‚ dried beans, etc.). As part of a balanced diet, it is advisable to consume one serving of starchy foods per meal. “ The size of this is an important point: it must take into account sex, age, weight and level of physical activity », underlines Dr Chicheportiche-Ayache. This emphasizes that pasta or rice just like other complex sugars “ can be integrated into a daily diet provided that the portion is respected and that the seasonings are light (e.g. drizzles of olive oil) and associated with vegetables and proteins of low energy value (fish, fruits seafood, poultry, white meat) “.
Choosing the right rice or pasta and the cooking method is important!
The choice of pasta and rice has an impact on health. Egg pasta which is richer in protein than classic pasta has, for example, a glycemic index (GI) lower. Long rice has a lower GI than round rice. This lower GI provides longer satiety and has a better impact on blood sugar levels. “ You should especially favor half- or whole-grain rice or pasta. » advises Dr. Chicheportiche-Ayache. “ Whole grains are cereals in which we find the central kernel or albumen rich in starch (refined cereals contain only starch), the germ rich in vitamin E, vegetable proteins and lipids, and the rich fibrous envelopes. in minerals and vitamins from Group B “, she explains.
The presence of fiber will contribute to reduce the speed of absorption pasta or brown rice, which gives them a lower glycemic index than refined cereals. THE pasta and brown rice also have a better vitamin and mineral content than their refined (white) equivalents. “ The presence of the germ and the husks also enriches the nutritional qualities of the cereal: it is richer in vegetable proteins, fiber, minerals, B group vitamins and vitamin E. », explains the nutritionist. There cooking also has a role to play, whether you eat pasta or rice. If you cook your pasta al dente for example, it will have a relatively low glycemic index (GI). Firm rice also has a lower GI than overcooked rice.
Rice and no pasta in which cases?
You can eat rice or pasta of your choice if you want to lose weight (by choosing whole or semi-complete pasta or rice)‚ before a sporting effort. “ For vegetarians, consuming pasta or rice does not matter either because they will have to combine them with a legume in any case to have a protein quality equivalent to that of an animal protein. », Indicates Dr Chicheportiche-Ayache. She adds that “ the only people who should eat rice and not pasta are those who are affected by a celiac diseasebecause the gluten present in pasta is contraindicated (unlike rice), or people have a sensitivity to gluten and must control their consumption “.